"You're Bradley's Mom," a girl in Bradley's 4th grade class asked me at his school Christmas party. "Yes I am," I said smiling. "Can I ask you you a question," she continued. "Sure," the eager educator in me cheerfully proclaimed. "What's wrong with Bradley," the girl smugly replied with a smirk curling along the side of her face. Time froze. I could hear and feel my heart beat getting faster. What was I feeling??? Hurt.., Yes. Confusion.., Yes. Anger.., YES!!! Time returned to normal and I thought maybe I had imagined it. "What did you just ask me" I questioned kindly, thinking and hoping I'd get a different response. "I said, what's wrong with Bradley?" The smirk remained. My face wanted to do 10 different things, but I tried so hard to control it (and my tongue). I looked at the substitute teacher's face to try to get some sort of help. To know what to do next... She was smiling in an awkward, "I don't know what to do or say right now" kind of way. "What are you talking about," I asked the girl. "Oh never mind," she said as she walked away to move on to the next thing. I excused myself to the bathroom, sat in a stall, and prayed.
This incident happened over 3 months ago, but I remember it like it was 3 minutes ago. It had been a while since I had experienced first hand, someone singling Bradley out. I was shocked and hurt. If I didn't paint a clear enough picture for you, the girl wasn't seeking information for understanding. She was clearly on a mission to point out that Bradley was different in a socially unacceptable way (at least according to her and most people's standards). This wasn't the first time someone had pointed out something "was wrong" with Bradley. Many people have brought this to my attention for the past 9 years. Early on in Bradley's life some people did this in loving ways, wanting to express their concern for Bradley's developmental delays and encourage me to seek assessment and knowledge. Others pointed out his "wrong" speech in a mocking way. Adults did this. People who are my extended family did this. A former student of mine saw me a few months ago and updated me about her life, including that her son wasn't doing well. She then asked me, "Isn't something wrong with your son too?"
Attention: People of the world; Hear me loud and clear! There are an infinite number of things that are wrong with me, neuro-typical, non-autistic Jodie Hutchinson. Do you know what the number one problem is that I have? I am a sinner. I was born a sinner. I have a sinful nature. I alone can NOT do anything to escape my sin. But, God can and He did. God made a way for me to atone for my sin through his son, Jesus Christ. I have SO many internal, secret wrongs about me every single day. Sometimes people see them, but often times they don't. They don't ask my parents, or husband, or kids, "Hey- What's wrong with Jodie?"
I am redeemed through Christ's shed blood on the cross over 2,000 years ago. I am saved from an eternal death, because I know and believe whole heatedly that Jesus Christ is my savior. His death on the cross, paid the consequence of my sin. Even though I am now in Christ, I continue to sin and have MANY things wrong with me, because that is my human nature. However, I am representing God and (most of the time) doing my best to do His will for His good work as His faithful servant. Thankfully, when I fail Him, God forgives me and promises to be with me the next time I have an opportunity to do His will and share His love with others. So when I'm having to make a decision about how to respond to a 4th grader, I need to go to God about how to handle this situation...
Back in the bathroom stall, I'm praying and fighting back my emotion. "God- help me do something good with this. Please help me do something good with this." I calmed down and returned to the classroom. I took a deep breath and asked the smirky girl to come talk to me alone, at the back of the class. I spoke slowly and kindly, "Earlier when you asked me what is wrong with Bradley, were you asking me that because you know he is different from you?" She sighed and said, "No. I know he is different. He just won't stop hugging me. Why is he hugging everyone today?" This was not where I was expecting this conversation to go and a wave of relief came over me. I looked at the girl in her eyes and told her as encouragingly as possible that it is not okay for anyone to hug her or touch her without her permission. I paused for a moment, because I wanted her to think about that and really know how serious of statement that was. I then went on to say, "If you do not want Bradley to hug you, he should not hug you. Please let him know that it is not okay to hug you." She looked frustrated and said, "He's been hugging people all day." That's when God stepped in big time, because He totally grabbed control of my next part in the conversation. I looked at the girl and smiled, "You seem like you are a really cool girl. Is that right?" Pride beamed across her face and she nodded yes. I explained, "Bradley has autism, which means that his brain works differently than yours and mine. Sometimes he does not understand that the things he wants to do aren't 'cool' for 4th graders to do."
Before I finish the story, let me make something clear- I think Bradley is SUPER cool! His brain is very creative, his heart is joyful and loving, and his dance moves are something else... I wasn't going to argue with this girl and convince her that he was cool. God gave me guidance on how to reach her- to help her understand, accept, and support my son.
Back to the story... Cool Girl seemed to be getting what I was saying. I continued, "Do you know how I knew that you were a cool girl? Because I'm pretty cool too." That's actually a stretch, haha! "Bradley needs us to help him learn what is "cool" for fourth graders to do. Since I'm not here at school, I need the help of people like you to teach him. Would you be willing to do that?" She thought about it for a moment and I saw a different smirk emerge, "I guess I could do that." I smiled, "Thank you. I know you can."
Over 3 months later I saw Cool Girl at Bradley's Easter party. She was walking away from me and going outside when she caught a glimpse of me. I smiled, she stopped, turned around, and gave me a big smile. I spoke with her briefly and could tell by her non-verbal language that her understanding and acceptance of Bradley was improved.
I'm glad Cool Girl is on board with helping Bradley, but she and I can't do it alone. When you know someone on the autism spectrum (or really anyone) doesn't understand their social interactions, behavior, speech, or something else is potentially a target for awkward situations, mocking, bullying, rule violations, or worse... help them. If you don't know how to help them, ask them how you can help them. If they seem to be handling a situation in an anxious way, ask how you can help. If they don't seem to understand a decision they need to make, ask how you can help. If they are overwhelmed because of sensory experiences, ask how you can help. Every person on the autism spectrum in every situation will be different, so there is no easy solution.
Do you want to know how to help my son, Bradley? Be patient when he is speaking to you. If you can't understand what he is saying, ask him to speak slower and tell you again. If he tries to dominate a conversation, don't let him. Help me teach him about reciprocity and listening to you too. I want him to be a respectful, good listener. Help me embrace his unique personality, yet teach him about age appropriate social morays. If he's doing something other kids or adults would find weird, let's put a stop to that in a nice way, explaining to him that kids his age don't do whatever he's doing. If he doesn't follow through on directions, please remind him. He was probably thinking about something else, but is VERY capable of being attentive with redirection. Expect politeness, manners, and turn taking from Bradley. He has learned those things from us, but I'm not always with him. Help me hold him to a high standard, yet encourage him in a loving way as he approaches academic, social, and life challenges. Help me love Bradley and remind him of how much God loves him. That, is the most important thing I hope Bradley knows and believes with all his heart.
Bradley's Mom
Autism advocacy blog written by Jodie Hutchinson, Texas Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and mother of an amazing son on the ASD spectrum
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Tying Shoes Made Easy
I cannot believe that it is July already! It seems like the summer is flying by and I have several goals I am working on with Bradley to help him get prepared for 2nd grade. One of my big goals was to teach him to tie his shoes. I tried teaching him the "bunny ears" technique, because that is how I tie shoes. However, the bunny ears were mighty elusive and just not working for Brad.
I know he wants to tie his shoes, but has some anxiety about not being able to manipulate the laces properly. Earlier this year he saw one of our friends at church with heely shoes. Bradley thought they were super cool and called them "ski shoes."
I promised Bradley that I would get him some ski shoes if he would learn to consistently tie his shoes on his own. Who wouldn't want ski shoes, right???
One day I Google searched "easy way to tie shoes" and found this video:
I watched the video and have to admit that I was a little skeptical, but I tried it out and figured it out myself pretty quickly. I modified the self talk a little to get Bradley to manipulate the strings properly. I tell him to make an "okay" hand gesture like the one below (but for both hands).
I know he wants to tie his shoes, but has some anxiety about not being able to manipulate the laces properly. Earlier this year he saw one of our friends at church with heely shoes. Bradley thought they were super cool and called them "ski shoes."

I promised Bradley that I would get him some ski shoes if he would learn to consistently tie his shoes on his own. Who wouldn't want ski shoes, right???
One day I Google searched "easy way to tie shoes" and found this video:
I watched the video and have to admit that I was a little skeptical, but I tried it out and figured it out myself pretty quickly. I modified the self talk a little to get Bradley to manipulate the strings properly. I tell him to make an "okay" hand gesture like the one below (but for both hands).
This helped him manipulate the lace between his index finger and middle finger better. Sure enough, within 5 minutes he had figured it out! We are still working on perfecting the tie, but I am so thankful I cam across this blog that promotes efficient and independent life skills for children:
We still need to keep practicing, but I know ski shoes are in our near future!
Sunday, October 12, 2014
The Forever Summer
What. A. Summer. Wow! It was a whirlwind and mostly fun, but I think we were all ready to get back to school and a routine. I am grateful for:
Cactus plants at Pedernales Falls State Park
Family hikes at Pedernales Falls State Park
River time with the family at Pedernales Falls State Park
Bradley's first concert with my dad, Grandpa Leonard, at the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavillion. We saw The Steve Miller Band and Journey!
Football birthday parties and joining in with the kids' games
Perfect Attendance and Good Attitude Award for Kindergarten and last day of Kinder with Bradley's Principal, Mr. Floyd
Swim Lessons with the compassionate, beautiful, patient, and lovely Mrs. Freese
The Lite Footers' production of Aladdin- Bradley's first play
Swimming with at Jordan at the Light House Inn in Rockport, TX
A fun day at the Texas State Aquarium with Bradley, Max, & Aunt Jordan
The Light House Inn at Aransas Bay- very kid friendly and entertaining for both boys. Bradley loved the Texas shaped waffles he had for breakfast each morning. He told me he wanted to live at the Light House Inn forever.
Beach Day (aka Seaweed City) at Port Aransas Beach. The Ferry Ride was a big hit for both boys
Shuffle board at Mom's neighbors' Pat & Debbie's house
Max's first boat ride on Pat's boat
Brotherly love
Bradley's excellent boat driving skills
Our "hotel selfie" on our last day at the Light House Inn
Super Hero Camp at First United Methodist Church in Wharton
Fun times at Super Hero School
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Autism & Dating
I have often wondered what type of husbands and fathers my sons will become one day. I hope to prepare them to be loving, patient, and dedicated spouses and parents.
When Bradley was diagnosed with autism at age 3, I was no longer sure what his adult life would be like. With each step forward in progress he makes, I realize that Bradley can still be a wonderful husband to a woman one day.
Not too long ago Bradley told me he wanted to marry me. After explaining that he couldn't marry me (because Daddy was married to me), Bradley later shared that he wanted to marry a woman just like me. Holding back tears of joy, we prayed together for Bradley's future wife- that God is preparing her to become a woman who knows and loves Jesus Christ as her savior, will love Bradley unconditionally, and will accept and support Bradley for who he is.
I saw this short film today and it further encouraged me that Bradley's future is full of possibility. Dating is down right difficult for everyone. I'm certain that it, like many things, will be slightly more difficult for Bradley in some ways but easier for him in different ways.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Autism Song
This morning I was scrolling through Facebook when I saw this link for a new song called "We'll Get By." After reading the short article and listening to the song, I was crying in my office. It's a beautiful song with an important perspective, the child's. I needed to hear it today. Bradley has been doing a little more "movie talking" lately than he had been doing. I've been working on a blog to explain the "movie talk" and will hopefully publish it later tonight or tomorrow. Anyway, I feel like I have been a little tough on him for something he perhaps has a hard time controlling.
Please take time to listen to this song. I will personally be writing the Johnny Orr Band to thank them for doing this. It reminded me that Bradley knows we love him and that he loves us too. He's doing a great job trying to be the best Bradley he can be.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
April is Autism Awareness Month
It has been one year since I began this blog and I cannot believe the time has gone by so quickly. With that said, SO many great things have happened for Bradley just within this year. If you are reading this, thank you for your interest, support, and advocacy for the autism community and my son, Bradley!
Bradley is doing well in school. He is reading. He is socializing more. He is talking more frequently and clearly. Bradley is truly trying to be the best Bradley he can be. This makes me incredibly happy!
April 2 was World Autism Awareness Day. Light it up Blue is a campaign to encourage individuals and business to wear blue to bring awareness to autism spectrum disorders. Our school district, Boling I.S.D, encouraged kids, staff, and teachers to wear blue on April 2 and 3rd to promote autism awareness. What a great response for the first year! As my sweet friend and fellow autism advocate Lori said, "365 days a year we celebrate Autism! Today the world celebrates with us!!" Let us continue to spread the word about autism and those it affects. Thank you for reading about, sharing, and supporting our efforts.
Bradley is doing well in school. He is reading. He is socializing more. He is talking more frequently and clearly. Bradley is truly trying to be the best Bradley he can be. This makes me incredibly happy!
April 2 was World Autism Awareness Day. Light it up Blue is a campaign to encourage individuals and business to wear blue to bring awareness to autism spectrum disorders. Our school district, Boling I.S.D, encouraged kids, staff, and teachers to wear blue on April 2 and 3rd to promote autism awareness. What a great response for the first year! As my sweet friend and fellow autism advocate Lori said, "365 days a year we celebrate Autism! Today the world celebrates with us!!" Let us continue to spread the word about autism and those it affects. Thank you for reading about, sharing, and supporting our efforts.
Bradley's Kindergarten Class, Teachers, and Staff
The Newgulf Kindergarten Kids lighting it up Blue for Autism Awareness
Iago Junior High students lighting it up blue for autism awareness and our friend, Erik
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
68 Things to Know About Autism
I just came across this article called "68 things to know about autism." I read through each one and think that I agree with all 68. The Huffington Post surveyed parents about what autism is and what it is not. Their answers are truthful, genuine, and real-life. As we continue to advocate for autism in the month of April and throughout the year, I encourage you to read these 68 "things."
Thursday, March 27, 2014
New Prevalence Rates
Today the new prevalence rates for autism were released in an article by the CDC. Now, 1 in 68 children are on the spectrum. Advocacy, understanding, and acceptance need to increase as well. Keep educating yourself and others about autism.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Stimming Explained
One of the most noticeable symptoms/behaviors of autistic children is "stimming." This short video does a good job explaining why autistic individuals self stimulate and offers at least one idea about modifying that behavior.
Stimming Explained
Bradley has a tendency to self stimulate by flapping his arms and standing on his tippy toes when he is excited. In the past I have placed my hands on his hands to make him stop. Then I realized that he was doing this behavior because he was excited. I want Bradley to be happy and to share his happiness, but also want to prevent any hurt feelings he may have if he is ever ridiculed for his stimming.
One day while Bradley was watching TV, flapping his hands, and standing on his tippy toes I asked, "Bradley- are you really happy right now?" He said "yes." It made me realize that I was telling him that it was wrong to celebrate his happiness. Now I try to model socially acceptable ways to display happiness: clapping, fist pump in the air, verbally expressing happiness, or thumbs up (which Bradley has really taken to). I am thankful for his happiness and love to see his adorable smile
Stimming Explained
Bradley has a tendency to self stimulate by flapping his arms and standing on his tippy toes when he is excited. In the past I have placed my hands on his hands to make him stop. Then I realized that he was doing this behavior because he was excited. I want Bradley to be happy and to share his happiness, but also want to prevent any hurt feelings he may have if he is ever ridiculed for his stimming.
One day while Bradley was watching TV, flapping his hands, and standing on his tippy toes I asked, "Bradley- are you really happy right now?" He said "yes." It made me realize that I was telling him that it was wrong to celebrate his happiness. Now I try to model socially acceptable ways to display happiness: clapping, fist pump in the air, verbally expressing happiness, or thumbs up (which Bradley has really taken to). I am thankful for his happiness and love to see his adorable smile
Bradley told me he was very happy with his new Thomas the Train toy he got for his 6th birthday
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
This Christmas was THE BEST! Bradley was REALLY in the Christmas spirit and enjoyed this year so much!!! His interest in Christmas began in November when he saw a remote controlled, robot spider at Radio Shack and decided that is what he wanted for Christmas.
Bradley and Max saw Santa many times this Christmas season. Each Santa visit Bradley was joyful, polite, and eager to share his robot spider wish with Mr. Claus. Max was not as happy to see Santa...
Every Christmas movie that came on was an instant favorite. We watched Rudolph, the original animated Grinch, the Jim Carey remake of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the Will Ferrell movie Elf, Frosty the Snowman, Here Comes Santa Claus, Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas (this was Bradley's favorite), and An Elf's Story (the DVD that accompanies the Elf on a Shelf book and doll). Bradley loved our elf on a shelf and named him Jimmy (very similar to the dvd's main character, Chippy). Each morning Brad enjoyed searching for where Jimmy was camped out for the day. If you haven't heard of the Elf on a Shelf, check out: http://www.elfontheshelf.com/
Bradley and Max saw Santa many times this Christmas season. Each Santa visit Bradley was joyful, polite, and eager to share his robot spider wish with Mr. Claus. Max was not as happy to see Santa...
We had fun anticipating Christmas Day. The boys enjoyed their daily piece of chocolate from their advent calendars. We looked at Christmas lights as a family. Bradley played the role of a shepherd in our church's nativity story and really enjoyed the candle light ceremony at church.
Christmas Day finally came and the boys were very excited to see what Santa brought!
The boys were blessed to spend lots of time with family and were showered with presents
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